antarctic realm câu
Is it within the realm of possibility that he may have simply taken them for a walk?Có khi nào đơn giản là ông ấy đưa chúng đi dạo khôn...

Andy Smith works for the British Antarctic Survey.Andy Smith làm việc cho trạm nghiên cứu Nam Cực Anh Quốc Imagine the Arctic and Anta...

coin of the realm
But this is genuine coin of the realm.Phải, anh hai, đúng vậy. Nhưng đây là tiền thiệt. In this day and age, knowledge is the coin of ...

commonwealth realm
Continues as a Commonwealth realmÝ kiến về Commonwealth realm Continues as a Commonwealth realmÝ kiến về Commonwealth realm of the Com...

danish realm
The Danish Realm consists of three constituent parts, each part often referred to as a country:Vương quốc Đan Mạch bao gồm ba bộ phận c...

indomalayan realm
It is found in the Indomalayan realm.Nó được tìm thấy trong vương quốc Indomalayan. It is found in the Indomalayan realm.Nó được tìm t...

oceanian realm
Oceanian realm – includes Polynesia (except New Zealand), Micronesia, and the Fijian Islandsgồm Polynesia (trừ New Zealand), Micronesia...

palearctic realm
Species in the Palearctic realm, which extends across Europe and most of Asia into parts of northern Africa, have declined by up to 97 ...

peer of the realm
Lord Moran, he's a Peer of the Realm.Huân tước Moran là Thượng nghị sĩ. “A Peer of the Realm.”Đang xem mục từ: peer of the realm »» Lo...

the realm of imagination
This village is full of world class luxuries and facilities which seem only possible in the realm of imagination.Ngôi làng này có đầy đ...

antarctic circle
The expedition then became the first to overwinter south of the Antarctic Circle.Cuộc đua trở thành người đầu tiên vượt qua Nam Cực Co...

antarctic expeditions
Whereas Ryberg had been on three Antarctic expeditions with Gulbranson, Atkinson had never been to Antarctica before.Trong khi Ryberg đ...

antarctic front
In the Southern Hemisphere, Western Australia had the coldest April day ever due to a huge Antarctic front.Ở nam bán cầu, bang Tây Úc c...

antarctic krill
Antarctic krill is not subject to this contamination.Krill Nam Cực không dễ bị nhiễm bẩn này. Antarctic krill is not prone to this con...

antarctic ocean
Welcome to the Antarctic OceanChào mừng đến Antarctica As the summer advances, the most southerly stretches of the Antarctic Ocean are...

antarctic peninsula
"If you see the breakup of ice shelves along the Antarctic peninsula,"Nếu anh thấy tảng băng dọc bán đảo Nam Cực vỡ ra, Antarctic Peni...

antarctic plate
The western boundary with the Antarctic plate is a complex and rather ill-defined boundary.Ranh giới phía tây với mảng Nam Cực là một r...

antarctic plateau
Their target lay beyond the mountains, over 3,000 meters above sea level, on the Antarctic Plateau.Mục tiêu của họ nằm ngoài dãy núi, h...

antarctic pole
In 1958 the Soviet Union established a base at the Antarctic Pole of Inaccessibility which they quickly abandoned.Vào năm 1958, Liên Xô...

antarctic region
Since then, China has established four scientific research stations in Antarctic region.“Trung Quốc đã xây dựng bốn trạm nghiên cứu Nam...

antarctic tern
Macaroni Penguin, Leopard Seal, Killer Whale, Wandering Albatross, Antarctic Tern and many more! 102 beautiful photos teach you all abo...

beyond the realm of conscience
Deep in the Realm of Conscience Theme SongLời bài hát: Beyond The Realm Of Conscience Theme Song "Deep in the Realm of Conscience" Theme...

deep in the realm of conscience
Deep in the Realm of Conscience (2018)Cung Tâm Kế Phần 2Deep In The Realm Of Conscience (2018) Deep in the Realm of Conscience Theme S...

realm of new zealand
The Realm of New Zealand consists of three parts usually referred to as countries:Vương quốc New Zealand gồm có ba bộ phận thường được ...

antarctic circumpolar current
Further, the geothermal hot areas in West Antarctica may be changing the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.Hơn nữa, các khu vực nóng địa nh...